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    From conception, formation, structure, licensing, through to annual filing

    requirements, I will provide all the advice and services necessary to keep

    your business within the requirements of the law.


    Efficient resolution of your family law disputes that only

    33 years of prior experience can provide.


    As your attorney, I will work hard to get the justice and compensation that

    you deserve. It wasn’t your fault, so do not shoulder the effort and worrying

    for months to come about the legal/medical issues that are sure to follow.


    Seaman & harbor worker Injuries, wage claims, and

    maritime-related legal representation for 33 years.

Closely Held Business Entities

Mirsepasy Law Offices is experienced in the formation of closely held corporations, limited liability companies (LLC), and general and limited partnerships, and he also actively advises owners of these entities regarding a wide range of transactions. Many closely held corporations have elected S Corporation status under the Internal Revenue Code.

Jeff Mirsepasy is familiar with the special problems affecting these corporations and their shareholders. Typically, Jeff will assist in preparation of minutes, contracts and agreements relating to planning for succession of ownership in a closely held business, as well as working with your accountant to maximize the benefits of ownership and minimize the effect of taxation on succeeding generations of ownership.

In many closely held businesses, Mirsepasy Law Offices is actively involved in estate planning for family members, which enables a comprehensive approach to advising family owned businesses.